Athletes foot is classified as a fungal infection that occurs between the toes. The condition is common among people who usually have sweaty feet, and they wear tightfitting shoes most of the time.
People suffering from athlete’s foot usually have a scaly rash that will cause stinging, burning, and itching. The condition is contagious, and it can be spread through contaminated towels, clothing, or floors.
The athlete’s foot condition is somewhat related to fungal infections such as jock itch. If you are suffering from the condition, you may be interested in learning more about how to get rid of athletes foot. The condition can be treated with antifungal medication. The main issue is that the condition usually recurs. You can also book an appointment with a medical practitioner, and they will prescribe some medication.
Symptoms of Athlete’s Foot
Athlete’s foot normally causes a red rash that is scaly. The Athlete’s Foot rash appears typically in between the toes. People with athlete’s foot usually experience a lot of itching after they have taken off their socks or shoes.
Some people will suffer from ulcers and blisters once they have athlete’s foot. People with the moccasin type of athlete’s foot may experience scaling and chronic dryness on the soles of their feet. The scaling may also extend to the upper side of the foot. Some people may assume they are suffering from a condition known as eczema.
The condition may affect both feet. It can also spread to your hand, especially for people who keep on scratching the affected area.
When should you consult a medical practitioner?
If you have a rash on your foot and it has persisted for at last two weeks since you started self-treatment using over-the-counter medication, you should seek medical attention. For people with diabetes, it is advisable to seek medical attention immediately; you realize you may be suffering from Athlete’s foot. Some of the symptoms you should be on the lookout for include swelling, fever, and excessive redness.
The Causes of Athletes Foot
The fungus that causes jock itch and ringworm is responsible for athlete’s foot. Warm or damp shoes favor the growth of the fungus. In short, the organism thrives under humid conditions.
The Risk Factors Revolving Around Athlete’s Foot
The risk factors of the ailment include:
• Men have a higher chance of suffering from athlete’s foot.
• Sharing bed linens, shoes, and clothes with someone who already has athlete’s foot.
• Wearing damp socks frequently.
• Walking barefoot in a public area such as the locker rooms or the communal baths.
The Complications Revolving around Athlete’s Foot
Athlete’s foot usually affects the feet. However, the condition can spread to other body parts, including:
• Your nails: the toenails can also be affected by the fungi that cause athlete’s foot. The toenails are quite resistant, and they cannot be treated easily if they get affected by the fungi.
• Your hand: athlete’s foot may cause itching, and you may be forced to scratch the affected area. As you scratch the affected area, the hands will be exposed, and they may develop a similar infection.
• Your groin: the fungi responsible for athlete’s foot can travel to other parts of the body through your towel or any other forms of clothing.
How to Prevent Athlete’s Foot
Besides learning about how to get rid of athlete’s foot, it is also good to look into how the condition can be prevented. Some of these tips will come in handy:
• Change the socks regularly: if you have sweaty feet, you should consider changing your socks twice daily.
• Ensure your feet are dry: as you walk barefoot, you will ensure that your feet can feel the fresh air. You should try this out daily. Ensure you have dried the part between your toes after taking a shower.
• Alternate the pairs of shoes: when you wear the same pair of shoes daily, the shoes will not have enough time to dry after they have been worn the entire day. Also, keep your shoes clean as much as possible
• Protect the feet while in public areas:you can wear waterproof shoes while you are in public places such as locker rooms.
• Do not share shoes: when you share shoes, you will be at the risk of being infected with a fungal infection.
Some effective home home remedies
1. Using Hydrogen Peroxide
According to various medical journals, the use of hydrogen peroxide for athlete’s foot can be used to kill the fungus.
The hydrogen peroxide should be poured directly onto the area that has been affected. During the application process, hydrogen peroxide may sting, especially for people who have open wounds. Apply the hydrogen peroxide twice a day until the fungal infection subsides.
2. Neem Oil
Neem oil is another natural remedy for athlete’s foot. The oil should be applied directly ion the area that has been affected. Apply the oil twice a day and massage the affected area to ensure it has penetrated the skin well. Such a treatment option can also help eliminate some of the infections present under the toenails.
3. Garlic
Garlic usually has a strong scent; nonetheless, using garlic to treat athlete’s foot is another helpful home remedy. Some studies have showcased there is a derivative of garlic that can help to cure the condition. When using garlic, you can eliminate the infection in seven days.Try crushing at least four cloves of garlic. Apply the crushed garlic on the affected area. The garlic should be applied twice daily.
4. Talcum Powder
In layman’s language, talcum powder can also be referred to as baby powder. It can be used to prevent athlete’s foot. It ensures the affected area will be clean and dry. As a result, the fungus cannot thrive under such conditions since the moisture in the feet will be under control.
5. Ensure the Feet are Dry and Clean at all Times
To prevent athlete’s foot, ensure the feet are dry and clean at all times. The fungus usually thrives in an area that is moist and dark. People with athlete’s foot should ensure their feet are dry at all times. Such measures also come in handy when preventing the condition. It is also advisable to change your socks regularly. For people with sweaty feet, it is good to change your socks at least twice a day. For example, after working out, you should wear another pair of clean socks. The spaces between your toes should be well dried. Also, do not walk barefoot in a public area such as the locker room at the gym.
Shoes that are well ventilated are highly recommended. They ensure your feet can breathe well, and the athlete’s foot condition will be resolved fast.
6. Over-the-Counter Treatment Options
There are different over the counter athlete’s foot medication options that can be used to cure athlete’s foot. Some of these treatment options include the application of sprays, powders, lotions, or ointments. The majority of athlete’s foot cases have responded well to over-the-counter treatments. The treatment should be applied to the affected area directly. After the symptoms fade away, continue applying the over-the-counter treatments for one more week to ensure the infection will not reappear.
7. Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil has some antibacterial properties. As a result, using tea tree oil for athlete’s foot can be an effective home treatment. Some studies have showcased that the application of tree oil daily can be used to eliminate the athlete’s foot symptoms. Mix the tea tree oil with warm coconut oil or any other carrier oil. Apply the mixture onto the affected region two times a day for at least one week.
8. Rubbing Alcohol
Using rubbing alcohol for athlete’s foot can help to eliminate the fungus that is present on the skin. Apply the alcohol directly to the affected region. Alternatively, you can also opt for a footbath with an alcohol percentage of 70 percent and above. Soak your feet for at least 30 minutes.
9. Sea Salt Baths
Sea salt has some antibacterial properties. As a result, it can be used to treat athlete’s foot, and other complications brought about by the condition. The sea salt will help to inhibit the growth of athlete’s foot.
Some treatment options entail mixing vinegar with sea salt to form a paste. The most effective technique involves dipping your feet into a footbath that has sea salt. People with athlete’s foot should soak their feet for half an hour. After that, you should dry your feet.
10. Baking Soda
Baking soda is an item that is readily available in most homes. Using baking soda for athlete’s foot is an effective home treatment option. Some studies have been carried out, and it is evident that sodium bicarbonate has antifungal properties; this means it can be used to get rid of the fungus present in the feet. Mix half a cup of sodium bicarbonate with warm water. You will then soak your feet for at least half an hour. Repeat the procedure twice daily. The athlete’s foot condition may fade away in at least one week. After you’re done soaking your feet, ensure you have dried your feet accordingly after rinsing your feet.
Final Thoughts
The athlete’s foot condition is contagious. By looking into how to get rid of athletes foot, the home remedies that have been mentioned above will ensure you will not touch or scratch the affected region unless you are applying the home remedies for athletes foot.
Wash your hands well before you can administer the home remedies meant to treat athlete’s foot. Doing so will prevent bacterial and fungal infections from spreading to different parts of the body.